The Humboldt Curling Club is proud to offer a large variety of leagues that accommodate a wide range of curlers. So, whether you’re a recreational player or someone competitive; if you’re young, old or somewhere in-between, we are sure to have a league suitable for you.
Learn more by selecting one of the leagues that interest you from the list below.
Enter any league as an individual or as a team by emailing or calling/texting Bev at 306-231-6781
Monday Afternoon League
The league has no restrictions applied to who and number of curlers on a team just need each team member to fill out a registration form and team fees to be paid. The emphasis is on fun, recreational curling as this league combines novice and skilled curlers in the afternoon when social aspects of curling prevail over competition. The club runs two 10 weeks sessions.
Draw time is 1:00 p.m. - Playing 8 ends.
$175 (includes taxes and CurlSask fees) per Half Season
Refreshments served up in Curling Lounge after the game.
*Enter as an individual or as a team by emailing [email protected] or calling/texting 306-231-6781
FIRST HALF 2024-25 | ||||
10/28/24 | 1 | Varga | VS | Johnson |
10/28/24 | 2 | Kolbeck | VS | Jansen |
10/28/24 | 3 | Tarnowski | VS | Gerwing |
11/04/24 | 4 | Jansen | VS | Tarnowski |
11/04/24 | 5 | Gerwing | VS | Johnson |
11/04/24 | 6 | Varga | VS | Kolbeck |
11/11/24 | 1 | Gerwing | VS | Kolbeck |
11/11/24 | 2 | Tarnowski | VS | Johnson |
11/11/24 | 3 | Varga | VS | Jansen |
11/18/24 | 4 | Varga | VS | Gerwing |
11/18/24 | 5 | Tarnowski | VS | Kolbeck |
11/18/24 | 6 | Johnson | VS | Jansen |
11/25/24 | 1 | Johnson | VS | Kolbeck |
11/25/24 | 2 | Gerwing | VS | Jansen |
11/25/24 | 3 | Tarnowski | VS | Varga |
12/02/24 | 4 | Jansen | VS | Kolbeck |
12/02/24 | 5 | Johnson | VS | Varga |
12/02/24 | 6 | Gerwing | VS | Tarnowski |
12/09/24 | 1 | Tarnowski | VS | Jansen |
12/09/24 | 2 | Kolbeck | VS | Varga |
12/09/24 | 3 | Johnson | VS | Gerwing |
12/16/24 | 4 | Johnson | VS | Tarnowski |
12/16/24 | 5 | Varga | VS | Jansen |
12/16/24 | 6 | Kolbeck | VS | Gerwing |
1/06/25 | 1 | Varga | VS | Gerwing |
1/06/25 | 2 | Tarnowski | VS | Kolbeck |
1/06/25 | 3 | Jansen | VS | Johnson |
1/13/25 | 4 | Tarnowski | VS | Varga |
1/13/25 | 5 | Jansen | VS | Gerwing |
1/13/25 | 6 | Kolbeck | VS | Johnson |
Wednesday Afternoon League
The league has no restrictions applied to who and number of curlers on a team just need each team member to fill out a registration form and team fees to be paid. The emphasis is on fun, recreational curling as this league combines novice and skilled curlers in the afternoon when social aspects of curling prevail over competition. The club runs two 10 weeks sessions.
Draw time is 1:00 p.m. - Playing 8 ends.
$175 (includes taxes and CurlSask fees) per Half Season
Refreshments served up in Curling Lounge after the game.
*Enter as an individual or as a team by emailing [email protected] or calling/texting 306-231-6781
FIRST HALF 2024-25 | ||||
10/30/24 | 4 | Wempe | VS | Kolbeck |
10/30/24 | 5 | Jansen | VS | Holtvogt |
10/30/24 | 6 | Varga | VS | Tarnowski |
11/06/24 | 1 | Tarnowski | VS | Jansen |
11/06/24 | 2 | Wempe | VS | Varga |
11/06/24 | 3 | Kolbeck | VS | Holtvogt |
11/13/24 | 4 | Holtvogt | VS | Wempe |
11/13/24 | 5 | Tarnowski | VS | Kolbeck |
11/13/24 | 6 | Jansen | VS | Varga |
11/20/24 | 1 | Holtvogt | VS | Varga |
11/20/24 | 2 | Jansen | VS | Kolbeck |
11/20/24 | 3 | Wempe | VS | Tarnowski |
11/27/24 | 4 | Kolbeck | VS | Varga |
11/27/24 | 5 | Holtvogt | VS | Tarnowski |
11/27/24 | 6 | Wempe | VS | Jansen |
12/04/24 | 1 | Tarnowski | VS | Varga |
12/04/24 | 2 | Wempe | VS | Kolbeck |
12/04/24 | 3 | Jansen | VS | Holtvogt |
12/11/24 | 4 | Jansen | VS | Tarnowski |
12/11/24 | 5 | Varga | VS | Wempe |
12/11/24 | 6 | Holtvogt | VS | Kolbeck |
12/18/24 | 1 | Wempe | VS | Holtvogt |
12/18/24 | 2 | Varga | VS | Jansen |
12/18/24 | 3 | Tarnowski | VS | Kolbeck |
1/08/25 | 4 | Jansen | VS | Kolbeck |
1/08/25 | 5 | Tarnowski | VS | Wempe |
1/08/25 | 6 | Varga | VS | Holtvogt |
1/15/25 | 1 | Jansen | VS | Wempe |
1/15/25 | 2 | Tarnowski | VS | Holtvogt |
1/15/25 | 3 | Kolbeck | VS | Varga |
Monday Fun League
The league is extremely popular within the club. No restrictions applied to who and the number of curlers on a team just need each team member to fill out a registration form and team fees paid. The emphasis is on fun, recreational curling as this league combines adults, youth, novice, and skilled curlers on a night when social aspects of curling prevail over competition. The club runs two 10 weeks sessions.
Draw time is 7:15 p.m. - Playing 6 ends.
$175 (includes taxes and CurlSask fees) per Half Season
Refreshments served up in Curling Lounge after the game.
*Enter as an individual or as a team by emailing [email protected] or calling/texting 306-231-6781
FIRST HALF 2024-25 | |||||
10/28/24 | 1 | Nagy | VS | Collin | |
10/28/24 | 2 | Hogemann | VS | Waldbauer | |
10/28/24 | 3 | McInnis | VS | Clark | |
10/28/24 | 4 | Dangler | VS | Fleischhacker | |
10/28/24 | 5 | Wempe | VS | Jurgens | |
10/28/24 | 6 | Kaip | VS | Loose | |
11/04/24 | 1 | Jurgens | VS | Loose | |
11/04/24 | 2 | Fleischhacker | VS | McInnis | |
11/04/24 | 3 | Dangler | VS | Nagy | |
11/04/24 | 4 | Collin | VS | Hogemann | |
11/04/24 | 5 | Kaip | VS | Waldbauer | |
11/04/24 | 6 | Wempe | VS | Clark | |
11/11/24 | 1 | Fleischhacker | VS | Wempe | |
11/11/24 | 2 | Collin | VS | Dangler | |
11/11/24 | 3 | Kaip | VS | Hogemann | |
11/11/24 | 4 | Clark | VS | Loose | |
11/11/24 | 5 | McInnis | VS | Nagy | |
11/11/24 | 6 | Jurgens | VS | Waldbauer | |
11/18/24 | 1 | Waldbauer | VS | Clark | |
11/18/24 | 2 | Wempe | VS | Nagy | |
11/18/24 | 3 | Hogemann | VS | Jurgens | |
11/18/24 | 4 | Collin | VS | Kaip | |
11/18/24 | 5 | Loose | VS | Fleischhacker | |
11/18/24 | 6 | McInnis | VS | Dangler | |
11/25/24 | 1 | Fleischhacker | VS | Waldbauer | |
11/25/24 | 2 | Jurgens | VS | Kaip | |
11/25/24 | 3 | Collin | VS | McInnis | |
11/25/24 | 4 | Wempe | VS | Dangler | |
11/25/24 | 5 | Hogemann | VS | Clark | |
11/25/24 | 6 | Nagy | VS | Loose | |
12/02/24 | 1 | Dangler | VS | Loose | |
12/02/24 | 2 | Kaip | VS | Clark | |
12/02/24 | 3 | Waldbauer | VS | Nagy | |
12/02/24 | 4 | Wempe | VS | McInnis | |
12/02/24 | 5 | Jurgens | VS | Collin | |
12/02/24 | 6 | Hogemann | VS | Fleischhacker | |
12/09/24 | 1 | Hogemann | VS | Nagy | |
12/09/24 | 2 | Loose | VS | McInnis | |
12/09/24 | 3 | Fleischhacker | VS | Kaip | |
12/09/24 | 4 | Jurgens | VS | Clark | |
12/09/24 | 5 | Dangler | VS | Waldbauer | |
12/09/24 | 6 | Collin | VS | Wempe | |
12/16/24 | 1 | Dangler | VS | Hogemann | |
12/16/24 | 2 | Fleischhacker | VS | Jurgens | |
12/16/24 | 3 | Wempe | VS | Loose | |
12/16/24 | 4 | McInnis | VS | Waldbauer | |
12/16/24 | 5 | Nagy | VS | Kaip | |
12/16/24 | 6 | Clark | VS | Collin | |
1/06/25 | 1 | Hogemann | VS | McInnis | |
1/06/25 | 2 | Kaip | VS | Dangler | |
1/06/25 | 3 | Waldbauer | VS | Wempe | |
1/06/25 | 4 | Nagy | VS | Jurgens | |
1/06/25 | 5 | Loose | VS | Collin | |
1/06/25 | 6 | Fleischhacker | VS | Clark | |
1/13/25 | 1 | McInnis | VS | Kaip | |
1/13/25 | 2 | Wempe | VS | Hogemann | |
1/13/25 | 3 | Fleischhacker | VS | Collin | |
1/13/25 | 4 | Loose | VS | Waldbauer | |
1/13/25 | 5 | Nagy | VS | Clark | |
1/13/25 | 6 | Jurgens | VS | Dangler |
Tuesday Fun League
The league is extremely popular within the club. No restrictions applied to who and the number of curlers on a team just need each team member to fill out a registration form and team fees paid. The emphasis is on fun, recreational curling as this league combines adults, youth, novice, and skilled curlers on a night when social aspects of curling prevail over competition. The club runs two 10 weeks sessions.
Draw time is 7:15 p.m. - Playing 6 ends.
$175 (includes taxes and CurlSask fees) per Half Season
Refreshments served up in Curling Lounge after the game.
*Enter as an individual or as a team by emailing [email protected] or calling/texting 306-231-6781
FIRST HALF 2024-25 | ||||
10/29/24 | 1 | Syroteuk | VS | Hogemann |
10/29/24 | 2 | MNP | VS | Varga |
10/29/24 | 6 | HSA | VS | Fleischhacker |
11/05/24 | 2 | HSA | VS | Syroteuk |
11/05/24 | 3 | Varga | VS | Fleischhacker |
11/05/24 | 6 | MNP | VS | Hogemann |
11/12/24 | 1 | HSA | VS | Varga |
11/12/24 | 2 | Hogemann | VS | Fleischhacker |
11/12/24 | 5 | Syroteuk | VS | MNP |
11/19/24 | 4 | MNP | VS | HSA |
11/19/24 | 5 | Varga | VS | Hogemann |
11/19/24 | 6 | Syroteuk | VS | Fleischhacker |
11/26/24 | 1 | Fleischhacker | VS | MNP |
11/26/24 | 3 | HSA | VS | Hogemann |
11/26/24 | 4 | Syroteuk | VS | Varga |
12/03/24 | 4 | Syroteuk | VS | Hogemann |
12/03/24 | 5 | Fleischhacker | VS | HSA |
12/03/24 | 6 | Varga | VS | MNP |
12/10/24 | 3 | HSA | VS | Syroteuk |
12/10/24 | 4 | Fleischhacker | VS | Varga |
12/10/24 | 5 | Hogemann | VS | MNP |
12/17/24 | 1 | Hogemann | VS | Fleischhacker |
12/17/24 | 3 | MNP | VS | Syroteuk |
12/17/24 | 6 | Varga | VS | HSA |
1/07/25 | 2 | Fleischhacker | VS | Syroteuk |
1/07/25 | 3 | Hogemann | VS | Varga |
1/07/25 | 4 | MNP | VS | HSA |
1/14/25 | 2 | Hogemann | VS | HSA |
1/14/25 | 3 | Fleischhacker | VS | MNP |
1/14/25 | 5 | Syroteuk | VS | Varga |
Wednesday Monthly Ladies Rec League
The league is a drop in league for all the ladies out there no matter what age or curling ability. The league runs the first Wednesday of the month. Curlers must enter by Tuesday 6:00 p.m. The league will run for the entire season
Draw time is 7:15 p.m. - Playing 6 ends. - First Wednesday of the Month
$25 (includes taxes) per Game - Includes one free drink in Lounge.
Refreshments served up in Curling Lounge after the game.
*Enter as an individual or as a team by emailing [email protected] or calling/texting 306-231-8761 by Tuesday at 8:00 p.m.
Hergott Farm Equipment Thursday Men's League
This is a league for male curlers of all ages and experience levels. The league offers weekly games played on Thursdays consisting of 8 ends. The Men’s League focuses on skill improvement, socialization, and competition. Last two weeks of season will be playoffs with cash payout for wins. The league runs for the entire season.
Draw time is 7:15 p.m. - Playing 8 ends.
$350.00 (includes taxes and CurlSask fees) for the Entire Season
Refreshments served up in Curling Lounge after the game.
*Enter as an individual or as a team by emailing [email protected] or calling/texting 306-231-6781
Humboldt Curling Club | ||||
Hergott Farm Equipment Men's League | ||||
2024-25 Season | ||||
**If you can't find a spare or want to rebook/cancel game phone Bev @306-231-6781 | ||||
Date | Sheet | Team1 | Team2 | |
10/29/24 | 2 | Fleischhacker, Ethan | VS | Michaleski, Luke |
10/31/24 | 1 | Wildeman, Glen | VS | Tarrant, Justin |
10/31/24 | 2 | Gaudreau, Aaron | VS | Wempe, Shawn |
10/31/24 | 3 | Lueke, Floyd | VS | Pitzel, Tyler |
10/31/24 | 4 | Syroteuk, Kevin | VS | Lucak, Cole |
10/31/24 | 5 | Schmidt, Shaun | VS | Jurgens, Kim |
10/31/24 | 6 | Fleischhacker, Braden | VS | Ven der Buhs, Jeremy |
11/05/24 | 1 | Jurgens, Kim | VS | Ven der Buhs, Jeremy |
11/05/24 | 2 | Lueke, Floyd | VS | Tarrant, Justin |
11/05/24 | 3 | Pitzel, Tyler | VS | Gaudreau, Aaron |
11/07/24 | 1 | Lucak, Cole | VS | Schmidt, Shaun |
11/07/24 | 2 | Fleischhacker, Braden | VS | Michaleski, Luke |
11/07/24 | 3 | Wempe, Shawn | VS | Syroteuk, Kevin |
11/07/24 | 4 | Wildeman, Glen | VS | Fleischhacker, Ethan |
11/07/24 | 5 | Kunz, Gary | VS | Tarrant, Justin |
11/12/24 | 1 | Jurgens, Kim | VS | Lucak, Cole |
11/12/24 | 2 | Fleischhacker, Ethan | VS | Kunz, Gary |
11/14/24 | 1 | Ven der Buhs, Jeremy | VS | Michaleski, Luke |
11/14/24 | 2 | Gaudreau, Aaron | VS | Tarrant, Justin |
11/14/24 | 3 | Wempe, Shawn | VS | Schmidt, Shaun |
11/14/24 | 4 | Fleischhacker, Ethan | VS | Lueke, Floyd |
11/14/24 | 5 | Fleischhacker, Braden | VS | Wildeman, Glen |
11/14/24 | 6 | Syroteuk, Kevin | VS | Pitzel, Tyler |
11/19/24 | 1 | Lueke, Floyd | VS | Fleischhacker, Braden |
11/19/24 | 2 | Pitzel, Tyler | VS | Schmidt, Shaun |
11/21/24 | 1 | Wempe, Shawn | VS | Lucak, Cole |
11/21/24 | 2 | Lueke, Floyd | VS | Kunz, Gary |
11/21/24 | 3 | Wildeman, Glen | VS | Ven der Buhs, Jeremy |
11/21/24 | 4 | Gaudreau, Aaron | VS | Fleischhacker, Ethan |
11/21/24 | 5 | Tarrant, Justin | VS | Syroteuk, Kevin |
11/21/24 | 6 | Michaleski, Luke | VS | Jurgens, Kim |
11/26/24 | 1 | Michaleski, Luke | VS | Wildeman, Glen |
11/26/24 | 2 | Lucak, Cole | VS | Kunz, Gary |
11/28/24 | 1 | Lucak, Cole | VS | Pitzel, Tyler |
11/28/24 | 2 | Fleischhacker, Braden | VS | Gaudreau, Aaron |
11/28/24 | 3 | Jurgens, Kim | VS | Wempe, Shawn |
11/28/24 | 4 | Tarrant, Justin | VS | Schmidt, Shaun |
11/28/24 | 5 | Lueke, Floyd | VS | Ven der Buhs, Jeremy |
11/28/24 | 6 | Syroteuk, Kevin | VS | Fleischhacker, Ethan |
12/03/24 | 1 | Kunz, Gary | VS | Jurgens, Kim |
12/03/24 | 2 | Gaudreau, Aaron | VS | Ven der Buhs, Jeremy |
12/05/24 | 1 | Wildeman, Glen | VS | Jurgens, Kim |
12/05/24 | 2 | Fleischhacker, Braden | VS | Syroteuk, Kevin |
12/05/24 | 3 | Wempe, Shawn | VS | Pitzel, Tyler |
12/05/24 | 4 | Tarrant, Justin | VS | Lucak, Cole |
12/05/24 | 5 | Schmidt, Shaun | VS | Fleischhacker, Ethan |
12/05/24 | 6 | Michaleski, Luke | VS | Lueke, Floyd |
12/10/24 | 1 | Wildeman, Glen | VS | Lueke, Floyd |
12/10/24 | 2 | Kunz, Gary | VS | Syroteuk, Kevin |
12/12/24 | 1 | Ven der Buhs, Jeremy | VS | Syroteuk, Kevin |
12/12/24 | 2 | Lucak, Cole | VS | Fleischhacker, Ethan |
12/12/24 | 3 | Schmidt, Shaun | VS | Fleischhacker, Braden |
12/12/24 | 4 | Tarrant, Justin | VS | Wempe, Shawn |
12/12/24 | 5 | Jurgens, Kim | VS | Pitzel, Tyler |
12/12/24 | 6 | Gaudreau, Aaron | VS | Michaleski, Luke |
12/17/24 | 1 | Kunz, Gary | VS | Michaleski, Luke |
12/17/24 | 2 | Schmidt, Shaun | VS | Ven der Buhs, Jeremy |
12/19/24 | 1 | Syroteuk, Kevin | VS | Michaleski, Luke |
12/19/24 | 2 | Lucak, Cole | VS | Fleischhacker, Braden |
12/19/24 | 3 | Tarrant, Justin | VS | Pitzel, Tyler |
12/19/24 | 4 | Gaudreau, Aaron | VS | Wildeman, Glen |
12/19/24 | 5 | Lueke, Floyd | VS | Jurgens, Kim |
12/19/24 | 6 | Wempe, Shawn | VS | Fleischhacker, Ethan |
1/07/25 | 1 | Syroteuk, Kevin | VS | Wildeman, Glen |
1/07/25 | 2 | Lueke, Floyd | VS | Gaudreau, Aaron |
1/09/25 | 1 | Kunz, Gary | VS | Gaudreau, Aaron |
1/09/25 | 2 | Fleischhacker, Braden | VS | Wempe, Shawn |
1/09/25 | 3 | Tarrant, Justin | VS | Jurgens, Kim |
1/09/25 | 4 | Schmidt, Shaun | VS | Michaleski, Luke |
1/09/25 | 5 | Ven der Buhs, Jeremy | VS | Lucak, Cole |
1/09/25 | 6 | Fleischhacker, Ethan | VS | Pitzel, Tyler |
1/14/25 | 1 | Tarrant, Justin | VS | Fleischhacker, Ethan |
1/14/25 | 2 | Fleischhacker, Braden | VS | Kunz, Gary |
1/16/25 | 1 | Lueke, Floyd | VS | Syroteuk, Kevin |
1/16/25 | 2 | Schmidt, Shaun | VS | Wildeman, Glen |
1/16/25 | 3 | Michaleski, Luke | VS | Lucak, Cole |
1/16/25 | 4 | Ven der Buhs, Jeremy | VS | Wempe, Shawn |
1/16/25 | 5 | Fleischhacker, Braden | VS | Pitzel, Tyler |
1/16/25 | 6 | Jurgens, Kim | VS | Gaudreau, Aaron |
1/21/25 | 1 | Lucak, Cole | VS | Wildeman, Glen |
1/21/25 | 2 | Kunz, Gary | VS | Wempe, Shawn |
1/23/25 | 1 | Lueke, Floyd | VS | Schmidt, Shaun |
1/23/25 | 2 | Syroteuk, Kevin | VS | Gaudreau, Aaron |
1/23/25 | 3 | Tarrant, Justin | VS | Fleischhacker, Braden |
1/23/25 | 4 | Pitzel, Tyler | VS | Ven der Buhs, Jeremy |
1/23/25 | 5 | Michaleski, Luke | VS | Wempe, Shawn |
1/23/25 | 6 | Fleischhacker, Ethan | VS | Jurgens, Kim |
1/28/25 | 1 | Tarrant, Justin | VS | Ven der Buhs, Jeremy |
1/28/25 | 2 | Fleischhacker, Ethan | VS | Fleischhacker, Braden |
1/30/25 | 1 | Kunz, Gary | VS | Ven der Buhs, Jeremy |
1/30/25 | 2 | Jurgens, Kim | VS | Syroteuk, Kevin |
1/30/25 | 3 | Michaleski, Luke | VS | Pitzel, Tyler |
1/30/25 | 4 | Wildeman, Glen | VS | Wempe, Shawn |
1/30/25 | 5 | Lucak, Cole | VS | Lueke, Floyd |
1/30/25 | 6 | Gaudreau, Aaron | VS | Schmidt, Shaun |
2/04/25 | 1 | Pitzel, Tyler | VS | Kunz, Gary |
2/04/25 | 2 | Fleischhacker, Braden | VS | Jurgens, Kim |
2/06/25 | 1 | Fleischhacker, Ethan | VS | Ven der Buhs, Jeremy |
2/06/25 | 2 | Syroteuk, Kevin | VS | Schmidt, Shaun |
2/06/25 | 3 | Lueke, Floyd | VS | Wempe, Shawn |
2/06/25 | 4 | Wildeman, Glen | VS | Pitzel, Tyler |
2/06/25 | 5 | Tarrant, Justin | VS | Michaleski, Luke |
2/06/25 | 6 | Gaudreau, Aaron | VS | Lucak, Cole |
2/11/25 | 1 | Wempe, Shawn | VS | Gaudreau, Aaron |
2/11/25 | 2 | Kunz, Gary | VS | Wildeman, Glen |
2/13/25 | 1 | Tarrant, Justin | VS | Wildeman, Glen |
2/13/25 | 2 | Lucak, Cole | VS | Syroteuk, Kevin |
2/13/25 | 3 | Pitzel, Tyler | VS | Lueke, Floyd |
2/13/25 | 4 | Jurgens, Kim | VS | Schmidt, Shaun |
2/13/25 | 5 | Fleischhacker, Braden | VS | Ven der Buhs, Jeremy |
2/13/25 | 6 | Michaleski, Luke | VS | Fleischhacker, Ethan |
2/18/25 | 1 | Michaleski, Luke | VS | Fleischhacker, Braden |
2/18/25 | 2 | Schmidt, Shaun | VS | Lucak, Cole |
2/20/25 | 1 | Tarrant, Justin | VS | Lueke, Floyd |
2/20/25 | 2 | Syroteuk, Kevin | VS | Wempe, Shawn |
2/20/25 | 3 | Ven der Buhs, Jeremy | VS | Jurgens, Kim |
2/20/25 | 4 | Fleischhacker, Ethan | VS | Wildeman, Glen |
2/20/25 | 5 | Gaudreau, Aaron | VS | Pitzel, Tyler |
2/20/25 | 6 | Schmidt, Shaun | VS | Kunz, Gary |
2/25/25 | 1 | Tarrant, Justin | VS | Kunz, Gary |
2/25/25 | 4 | Pitzel, Tyler | VS | Syroteuk, Kevin |
2/27/25 | 1 | Fleischhacker, Ethan | VS | Lueke, Floyd |
2/27/25 | 2 | Schmidt, Shaun | VS | Wempe, Shawn |
2/27/25 | 3 | Wildeman, Glen | VS | Fleischhacker, Braden |
2/27/25 | 4 | Jurgens, Kim | VS | Lucak, Cole |
2/27/25 | 5 | Tarrant, Justin | VS | Gaudreau, Aaron |
2/27/25 | 6 | Ven der Buhs, Jeremy | VS | Michaleski, Luke |
3/04/25 | 1 | Fleischhacker, Ethan | VS | Gaudreau, Aaron |
3/04/25 | 2 | Lucak, Cole | VS | Wempe, Shawn |
3/06/25 | 1 | Wildeman, Glen | VS | Ven der Buhs, Jeremy |
3/06/25 | 2 | Michaleski, Luke | VS | Jurgens, Kim |
3/06/25 | 3 | Kunz, Gary | VS | Wempe, Shawn |
3/06/25 | 4 | Pitzel, Tyler | VS | Schmidt, Shaun |
3/06/25 | 5 | Syroteuk, Kevin | VS | Tarrant, Justin |
3/06/25 | 6 | Fleischhacker, Braden | VS | Lueke, Floyd |
3/11/25 | PLAY OFFS | |||
3/13/25 | PLAY OFFS | |||
3/18/25 | PLAY OFFS | |||
3/20/25 | PLAY OFFS |
Bella Vista Inn Youth League
The league is Tuesday and runs for grade 6 – 9 and for grades 10 -12 for students in the Humboldt and surrounding communities. This league is 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. or 6 ends whichever comes first. Sign up as an individual or as a team as no restrictions apply for make up of the teams. The Youth league starts the first Tuesday after Remembrance Day.
League usually starts on the Tuesday after Remembrance Day.
$80 (includes taxes and CurlSask fees) for the 10 week league
*Enter as an individual or as a team by emailing [email protected] or calling/texting 306-231-6781